God Took Me to Las Vegas
My mission with the God Took Me to Las Vegas podcast is to save lives and allow the person to Reveal the Lifestyle Champion within them.There are many different types of recovery programs, they all are aimed at helping those battling substance use disorders to transition from being harmed to being clean and sober. Anyone who’s battling a compulsive or destructive behavior wants to be healthy and they desire to live a happy and productive life. Sadly, only 1 in 10 Americans with a substance use disorder receives treatment. Why?Because it’s not safe to come forward and admit your challenges. The stigma is fueling an American public health crisis and we need to “Crush the Stigma!”Substance use disorders are associated with discrimination and social disapproval – more than any medical condition. These same people are often isolated, outcast, and even imprisoned. Stigma isolates people, it discourages them from seeking help, and even leads some medical providers to resist delivering evidence-based treatment services.
God Took Me to Las Vegas
Episode 158, Interview with Ana Lennyr, Life Strategist (repeat)
Ana’s philosophy is simple: “Master the Game of Life” so you will never be trapped in pain and hurt again.
She has experienced a number of hardships in her life, like abandonment by her father, an alcoholic mother, her own insomnia for 2.5 years, a suicide attempt at age 19, chronic back pain and migraines for 27 years of her life, obesity, non-alcoholic liver hepatitis, poverty, and a depressed child.
Today, Ana is a premier life strategist who specializes in helping teenagers and adults to build strong and supportive family relationships. This is accomplished by addressing the root cause which holds you back.
In her programs, Ana sets a path to remove any and all excuses and replaces them with reasons and opportunities. She continues to build her clientele and has been consistently growing her success stories in the industry. Today, on a regular basis, she is sought out by people from all over the country and the world as well.
What makes Ana Lennyr unique is that she combines a teacher, psychologist, and parent experience with her anti-depression expertise. She changes the lives of both teens and adults in subtle ways without lecturing, confrontation, or therapy.
You can call or text her at: (224) 501-9804
Learn more about her programs here: https://analennyr.com
There are a number of free resources available: https://analennyr.com/webclass
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ANALENNYR
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-lennyr-04b8b1225
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/analennyr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9n_y_HhF_p8O3poTrUwvZA