God Took Me to Las Vegas

Episode 175 – Step 5: Admitting our sins, confessing all the dark secrets of our past

Randy Mortensen

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Episode 175 – Step 5: Admitting our sins, confessing all the dark secrets of our past.

Step 5 says goodbye to self-deception and hello to forgiveness and cleansing. We should note that there is cleansing from every wrong, not from “wrongdoing” in a general sense. Admitting the exact nature of our wrongs includes giving our accounts in exact and specific terms. It is only when we get specific that we will no longer be able to fool ourselves about the nature of our wrongs. Since we cannot ignore God and get away with it anyway, we might as well come clean and be forgiven.

How do you choose someone to listen? 

Choose someone of the same sex whom you trust and respect. 

Choose to use your sponsor or accountability partner, someone who has completed Steps 4 & 5. And, be sure to set an appointment for working your Step 5 with no interruptions.

What do you do during your Step 5 meeting? Start with prayer, asking for courage, humility, and honesty. Then share your strengths and weaknesses. 

Be sure to talk about all those things that were written on your Step 4 inventory sheets. In the end, say a prayer, thanking God for the complete forgiveness found in Christ.

A favorite quote that resonates with Step 5 comes from my friend, John Maxwell: “Trying times are not time to quit trying.”

The 21-Point Assessment mentioned during the episode can be found at:  http://randymortensen.com 

If you are interested in the 8-week “Lifestyle Champion Cohort”, text “CHAMPION” to 66866 or call my office at 321.757.HOPE
