God Took Me to Las Vegas

Episode 208 – Interview with Charles Meyer, Porn Addiction Recovery Coach

Randy Mortensen

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Episode 208 –  Interview with Charles Meyer, Porn Addiction Recovery Coach

Charles is on a mission to end fatherlessness in American homes, and eventually worldwide.

Based on the West Coach of Florida, Charles Meyer became a Porn Addiction Recovery Coach because of his own struggles with addiction and a strong sense of purpose from God. For 12 years, he battled with pornography and drug addiction, feeling empty despite having everything he thought he wanted. He tried to fill the void with various vices, but they never brought true happiness.

He found freedom in his faith, but it was also a long journey of healing from trauma, faulty beliefs, false identities, and reconciliation. His entire life had to change in order for freedom to be truly sustainable. He was a mess, but now claims freedom, there are no chains holding him back.

The turning point in his life came when he found freedom from his addictions. Charles realized that the solution wasn't in external things but in having a genuine relationship with God. This discovery inspired him to help others break free from their own addictions and find real purpose and fulfillment.

At first, Charles wasn't sure how to best serve others, but he kept seeking guidance from God. Over time, it became clear that his mission was to help husbands and fathers overcome addiction and become the leaders their families needed. He believes that ending fatherlessness in American households requires men to be free from addiction and to lead by example.

Charles is passionate about his mission and wants to provide the tools, support, and community needed for total freedom from addiction. Through his coaching, he aims to transform lives and help others experience the same freedom and purpose he found.

Online Connections:



Know Thyself Coaching info:   https://bit.ly/CharlesMeyer 

Email: newfuturecoaching@gmail.com 
