God Took Me to Las Vegas

Episode 223: Living Out Faith Through Recovery and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

August 27, 2024

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Episode 223: Living Out Faith Through Recovery and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Step 12 in recovery programs calls us to share the message of recovery with others and practice these principles in every part of our lives. This step is rooted in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus commands us to spread His teachings and baptize others, assuring us of His constant presence. This scripture highlights the importance of our actions in demonstrating genuine care and commitment to helping others overcome addiction.

Instead of boasting about our recovery, we should use our experiences to encourage newcomers and share God’s grace and goodness. True recovery involves walking alongside those in need, offering support, and embodying the principles we’ve learned, ensuring our actions match our words. 

Programs like the Lifestyle Champion Cohort help us continue this mission, significantly impacting others' lives and finding fulfillment in serving our community. This approach highlights the importance of demonstrating genuine care and encouragement rather than boasting as we share God’s grace with those seeking recovery. 

In this podcast, we explore the five common mistakes people make when pursuing recovery and how to avoid them:

  1. Failure to Acknowledge a Problem: Only you can recognize and decide to confront your addiction. Avoid letting others overshadow your realization of the issue.
  2. Not Following Your Decision with Action: Don’t let the initial decision to recover fade away. Act on your commitment and seek support actively.
  3. Allowing Denial to Hold You Back: Educate yourself and seek motivation from those who’ve succeeded in recovery. Take responsibility and avoid blaming others.
  4. Failing to Prepare to Live a Clean & Sober Lifestyle: Celebrate your progress but be cautious. Establish new habits and boundaries to prevent relapse.
  5. Becoming Lackadaisical: Continue working on your recovery and remain vigilant. Complacency can jeopardize your progress; stay committed to your journey.

By avoiding these mistakes and embracing Step 12, you align your recovery with your faith, contributing to a fulfilling and transformative journey.

Order the book here: https://godtookmetolasvegas.com 

The 21-question assessment is here: https://randymortensen.com 

Our podcast is here: https://godtookmetolasvegas.buzzsprout.com 

And our office number is: 321.757.HOPE
